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Chinese Marriage 2nd Section

Serena Sunny Glassware 2016-03-03 21:02:32
Ok,we will continue to talk something about Chinese Marriage.
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Traditional marriage rituals

For more details on this topic, see Chinese pre-wedding customs.

A modern wedding held in a Ming Dynasty format
Chinese marriage became a custom between 402 and 221 BC. Despite China's long history and many different geographical areas, there are essentially six rituals, generally known as the three letters and six etiquettes (三書六禮). Unfortunately for some traditional families, the wife's mother cannot go to her son-in-law's family until one year (according to the Chinese lunar calendar or Chinese Lunar New Year) after the wedding has elapsed. However, during this one year the daughter can go back at anytime.

Modern practices
In Mandarin Chinese, a mang nian, or 'blind year', when there are no first days of spring, such as in year 2010, a Year of the Tiger, is considered an ominous time to marry or start a business.[5] In the preceding year, there were two first days of spring.

A woman wearing a long, ornate red dress stands next to a man in a black suit on some short stone steps while another man photographs them from the foot of the stairs
A couple, with the bride in a traditionally red dress, being photographed at the Temple of Heaven in Beijing
Since the late 1990s, it has become popular to create an elaborate wedding album, often taken at a photography studio.[6] The album usually consists of many pictures of the bride and groom taken at various locations with many different outfits. In Singapore, these outfits often include wedding outfits belonging to different cultures, including Arab and Japanese wedding outfits.

In contrast to Western wedding pictures, the Chinese wedding album will not contain pictures of the actual ceremony and wedding itself.

In recent years, Confucian wedding rituals have become popular among Chinese couples. In such ceremonies, which are a recent innovation with no historic antecedent, the bride and groom bow and pay respects to a large portrait of Confucius hanging in the banquet hall while wedding attendants and the couple themselves are dressed in traditional Chinese robes.[7]

Before the bride and groom enter the nuptial chambers, they exchange nuptial cups and perform ceremonial bows as follows:[8]

first bow - Heaven and Earth
second bow - ancestors
third bow - parents
fourth bow - spouse

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