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موقعك : منزل، بيت > أخبار > Industry News > The comparison between press ...

The comparison between press machine and IS machine of glass bottle

Chally Xu China glass network 2014-08-26 11:42:53

In a period of a glass container production process, there is repression glass sub-machine assembly line production and ranks two processes of glass containers. What kind of glass containers and process to identify suitable both style pattern produced it. Pressed glass of the process is to be the vessel wall straight up and down, not bent parts, but you can not specify the internal rules may temper patterns, plus with handles.

Its manufacturing process for liquid glass group indirectly from the chute into the mold, pressing punch punching in indirect pressure probation, and then open the mold (wild mold and robotic active mold, etc.), with a wild or mechanical bottle after the clamp hundred live glass turntable into baking, baked into the annealing furnace after intermittent secondary annealing, temper can be interrupted packed.

The pipeline mechanism is pressed glass blowing process can be blown into the glass container diameter greater than the diameter of the mouth of the bottle is twice Britain at the end of the process of blowing pressure, the mechanical structure more complicated than repression. Frit slug Britain at the end chute after falling prototype mold, after a gas head flutter flutter gas constitutes the prototype of the bottle, after a fall die molding bottle tongs flip, then secondary pressure blow blowing head on constitute intact glass shape, through the conveyor belt to the secondary annealing furnace annealing, temper after packing out you can.