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موقعك : منزل، بيت > أخبار > Industry News > China leaps and bounds to become ...

China leaps and bounds to become the largest manufacturing base in glass

Yang Chen 2014-03-27 14:41:08
     China glass bottle after 30 years of sustainable development, has become the world's largest glass producer. 
     Glass manufacturing industry has become a national economic development and improving people's living standards are indispensable supports enterprise three national glass production capacity of 100,000 tons, production of 880 million tons, accounting for 60% of global production.
     First half of 2010 produced 48 new production lines, with production capacity 200 million tons of 2009, after the first low-high glass industry, the recovery of the second half performance is very obvious; bottles showing the amount of shrinkage export prices go situation, prices showed a monthly upward trend, Glass export price. This shows that China's current export structure and quality of varieties of glass bottles have undergone substantial change, from quantitative to qualitative transformation, thereby increasing the unit export price, but also enhance the international competitiveness. It is predicted that this year, or even longer, China will maintain its status as a major exporter.
     Although the full-year data is still slightly behind, but gradually the market to the good development trend seems indisputable. Some companies optimistic about the gradual recovery of the market, have a new ignition wire or cold repair and reconstruction complex production line, China eighth glass, Zhejiang Glass, glass and other Lingyuan Shiming ignition and enterprises have resumed production of new lines completed in the fourth quarter.
     The past two years, the line was built eight more concentrated in Jiangsu, Sichuan, Chongqing region, there have TGI, CSG, informed and many of the new production line, the per capita share of the glass is much higher than the national average. Glass, poor performance in the first half, three quarter volume of price, performance showed a rapid rise in fourth-quarter earnings this situation has continued to develop well.
     It is worth mentioning that China has achieved eight bottles of this industrial park leapfrog development is completed at the end of 2010 reinvented, is a whole new look to meet the world's buyers to negotiate a letter of intent glass base.