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Healthy communication is the key to the long-term development of candle holder products and cooperat

Michelle Sunny Glassware 2021-03-12 15:37:47

Healthy communication is the key to the long-term development of candle holder products and cooperation between Sunny Glassware and customers.

Since joining in 2012, I have been in the candle holder industry for 6 years. I have served all kinds of customers who need candle holder products. Recently, I sorted out the customers who have cooperated in the past few years. One of our client,we made some many candle holder products for her these years without any complaints. I am analyzing why we can cooperate for so long. Finally, the important factor is the communication.

Healthy communication is the key to the long-term development of candle holder products and cooperation between Sunny Glassware and customers.

First of all, as a sales in Sunny,when we received the development of new candle holder products from the customers, we will look at the product size, structure, processing effect, etc., and check with our factory whether we can make this candle holder product, whether it is difficult, and whether we need to make adjustments. If there are any problems in production, draw a conclusion, and then communicate with the clients whether the candle holder can be made and how to do it. Because we all have such obligations and responsibilities to remind customers of the possibility of new candle holder products. After all, only if our products are ready and there are no product defects, customers can sell to the market smoothly.

However,during the cooperation with many customers, it is easy to find that each customer has different styles, temperaments,and has different requirements for their products. Some customers are very stubborn that will required us to make this product according to their requirements and standards.Even though we have reminded that it is difficult to achieve this standard and the high cost of doing so, but in the end the customer still does not compromise, finally we have to bite the bullet to make the goods according to the customer's requirements. Sometimes we barely make it, but in many cases it is difficult to meet the customer's standard, so that the customer will complain about the quality when they receive the goods, so we have to spend time to repeat the communication, repeat the production, as a result, sales slowed down and the development was slow.

One of my client,I find the difference. This customer is from the United States,their product positioning is relatively high-end, mainly selling candles and some related products in retail stores, so their quality requirements are relatively high.Because it is sold in its own brand store, so the purchase volume is not large, but they keep creating new candle holders every year. Whenever she sent candle holder product design, I will study carefully, and give feedback on what needs to be modified, or what craft can be achieved, at the same time, she will modify her design and effect according to my suggestions. After we both reached a consensus, we will arrange sample. Of course, not every sample is satisfactory, so it may be modified after receiving the sample, and then remake the sample. After the sample is confirmed, I will tell the customer what can be done, what is not, and the tolerance of the product, negotiated before she places the order, and finally the bulk product can be completed safely and smoothly. We have cooperated for so many years, made no products every year, and have zero complaints. She is really nice and willing to listen to our opinions. Our communication has never had a quarrel. It's so amazing! So far, we are still cooperating, and even more and more products are covered,not just glass candle holder,ceramic candle holder,but also fragrance bottle,lotion bottle,etc,her brand is keep developing.

Healthy communication is the key to the long-term development of candle holder products and cooperation between Sunny Glassware and customers.

Sunny Glassware has offered glassware for 28 years with all kinds of products being exported to more than 30 countries and focusing on luxury fragrance products in the latest 10 years.Sunny Glassware is the supplier of 80% fragrance brands in the United States. Product quality is the major focus in Sunny that we adapts extra six steps for inspection.We strictly protect the customers' designs and won`t show to anyone without our clients`s approve. We get your ideas becoming creative fragrance products and sell them very well in the market.With our strong support, customers rapidly develop and from small workshop to industry leaders.

If you have any new product development for the candle holders,pls feel free to contact us,we are waiting for you here!