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Notes on using aromatherapy ...
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  Sunny glassware We get your ideas becoming creative fragrance products and sell them very well in the local market.So what do you need to pay attention to when using the aromatherapy candlestick? Here are the following points for attention:


Use candle holders 

Use sturdy candle holders that do not risk tipping over. Most candle holders are made of metal or glass. Do not place the candle on plastic furniture if it is going to burn for many hours, only use heat resistance surfaces. 

Keep candles at least 1 foot away from anything that can catch fire

Candles are a fire hazard simply because they are open flames. Do not place them anywhere near curtains, drapes, bedding, books, paper goods or other flammable decorations.  Keep your desk or surface uncluttered to avoid nearby objects from overheating and catching fire. 

Do not leave the burning candle unattended

Up to 11% of candle fires were caused by the fact that people fell asleep and therefore left the burning candle unattended. Do not light a candle if you are feeling sleepy or you are about to leave. Always put it out before leaving the house or even the room if you are gone for a longer period. Just as important, do not leave the candles unattended if there are children or pets around, as they might knock them over by accident.

Use long matches or a long-reach lighter

Keep your fingers safe by using a long match to light your candle. Tie your hair if it is long and keep loose sleeves and clothes away from the flame.