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Candle care tip

Brenda Chang Sunny Glassware 2017-06-29 15:00:12
There’s nothing tricky to taking care of your candles. A few simple rules and a little common sense are all it takes to keep your candles looking lovely.

1-Always store your candles in a cool, dark and dry place. Tapers or dinner candles should be stored flat to preventing warping.

2-Your can remove dust and fingerprints from a candle by gently rubbing the surface with a piece of nylon or a soft cloth. The cloth can be dry or slightly dampened with water.
Wax drippings can be removed from most candleholders by running hot water over them. Some home care experts prefer removing wax by first placing the candleholder in the freezer for an hour or so. This allows the wax to shrink and easily pop out when the candleholder is removed from the freezer.

3-Never use a knife or a sharp object to remove wax drippings from a glass votive holder. It might scratch or weaken the glass, causing it to break upon subsequent use.

4-Avoid burning candles in any glass item not specifically designed for candles. Glass candleholders are specifically manufactured to withstand the temperature changes that occur when burning a candle. Everyday glassware is not designed for burning candles.

5-Votive holders will clean more easily afterward if you add a few drops of water to the glass before inserting the candle. Caution: Don’t add more than a few drops of water and don’t add water unless you intend to burn the candle immediately afterward. Over time, a candle wick could absorb the water and won’t burn properly.

6-Avoid placing your candles where they will be directly exposed to sunlight or harsh indoor lighting, such as a spotlight. Candles may fade if they are left in bright light for an extended period of time.

Shenzhen Sunny Glassware Co.,Ltd. engaged in the glass industry for more than 22 years,specialized in the product glass candle holder,stem glass,glass tumbler.For more information,please visit: www.okcandle.com